Thursday, April 17, 2008

Do you have what it takes to be a media entrepreneur?

I get asked what it takes to be a media entrepreneur. My extensive interviews with media entrepreneurs suggest that a passion to get your message out there is a key success factor, whether it's publishing hip-hop novels (Vickie Stringer), producing Bible verse music cartoons (Bear Cahill) or launching the first videoblog (Andrew Baron). Still, folks seem to want something a bit more science-y. So, here's a collection of online self-assessment tools -- and I make no claims their results mean anything! But they're fun and will get you thinking. Take a quiz or two and see how you rate!

The Kauffman Foundation is always a good place to start. Try:

Here are some others...two seem to be Canadian government-sponsored leading me to wonder what's up up north!

Have fun!


Rob J said...

Hi Dr. Hoag,

I see you are still running entrepreneurial duties at PSU. I do not know if you remember me but I am pretty sure I had your first class on entrepreneurship for comm. circa 2003/2004. Anyway I hope all is well in Happy Valley.

Rob Joswiak
AFN Afghanistan

Rob J said...

Hi Dr. Hoag,

I see you are still running entrepreneurial duties at PSU. I do not know if you remember me but I am pretty sure I had your first class on entrepreneurship for comm. circa 2003/2004. Anyway I hope all is well in Happy Valley.

Rob Joswiak
AFN Afghanistan

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